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You Need A Penis Pump!

category: ED

Penis pumps may be joked about in movies, but the results are no joke! It is actually one of the safest treatments on the market for erectile dysfunction. 

This sort of thing should be your bag, baby

When it comes to getting an erection, it’s all about blood flow. These devices are great for achieving an erection from the flaccid state. It requires a cylinder to be placed over the penis against the pelvis to create a vacuum seal. Pressure is then manually applied to the cylinder using a hand pump which causes blood to rush into the penis. Once engorged it’s not just fun to look at, it’s fun to use! Constriction rings (aka a cock ring) can then be used to maintain an erection.

Medical grade versus commercially available

Pumps are sold commercially at sex shops but remember you get what you pay for. It’s your best buddy…don’t be cheap. The technology behind commercial and medical grade pumps are similar however most commercial pumps do not include an air release valve or pressure gauge. This doesn’t sound like a big deal until you have your first experience sucking a testicle up with no air release valve…Houston, we have a problem.  These pumps also do not include a pressure gauge which is vital to your safety. If too much pressure is applied, you could bruise or injure yourself. Too much of a good thing is never good. Pumping should feel comfortable and similar to a normal erection, never painful. 

Pumps are great for a number of things. Here are a few other examples for when a pump may be worth exploring. 

Physical therapy used for men after prostate surgery.  Removal of the prostate may cause damage to the nerves that switch blood flow to the penis during an erection. This surgery has come a long way and most skilled surgeons are able to perform nerve sparing procedures, but almost all patients will experience ED immediately after and for up to 1 year. 

If you don’t use it, you lose it.  Not with a partner, but want to keep up your “A” game? Think of this as doctor prescribed exercise for your penis. Going a long time without getting an erection can be damaging to the penile tissue. The tissue begins to lose flexibility and the smooth muscle cells that line the blood vessels begin to decline and replace with collagen. The penis then begins to atrophy and shorten. Proactively using a pump can prevent you from having a disappointing performance when you get pulled off the bench!

Peyronies or curvature of the penis.  Some men experience a curvature of the penis which is called Peyronies. Peyronies is an abnormal buildup of plaque that forms and curves the penile tissue. This curvature can strike men of all ages and possible causes include rough intercourse, trauma to the penis, penile injections long term and unfortunately for some men, no reason at all.  While several of the treatments for Peyronies can be invasive or expensive, the pump should be an early intervention. Pumping the penis allows the plaque to be slowly stretched over time.

Prepare to impress.  If a man can achieve an erection on their own or with other treatments like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra but wants a little more help, a pump is a great addition. Use a pump before intercourse to “pump you up”. A constriction ring can be used after to hold blood flow in. 

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction and looking for solutions, consider a penis pump. Pumps are a cost-effective option with little to no side effects when used correctly. Even if it is not effective as a standalone treatment, pumps are great in combination with PDE5’s (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra), trimix shots, and extracorpeal shockwave therapy. Penis pumps are not a one size fits all. To get fitted by a medical professional or explore other options for erectile dysfunction contact the trained providers at 618-632-9000 (O’Fallon, Illinois clinic) or 314-833-9000 (Town and Country, Missouri clinic). 


Mayo Clinic. Click here.

Spitz MD, A. The Penis Book. A Doctor’s Complete Guide to the Penis-From Size to Function and Everything in Between.