Endocrine Disruptors: The Frightening Truth

What are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals are exogenous chemicals that have the ability to alter our body’s natural hormones leaving us unprotected in a way that affects our overall health and they cannot be avoided in our day-to-day life. Over the past 60 years, a growing number of EDCs have been used in the production of just about everything we purchase and breathe from environmental pollutants, plastics and cosmetics. In 2022, we are under attack by the myriad of chemicals we’re exposed to every day and they are constantly bombarding our bodies and contributing to negative health outcomes.

To understand EDCs, it’s important to grasp the importance of our hormones and their functioning. Hormones are chemical messengers such as testosterone, estrogen and insulin and they don’t just pertain to sexual and reproductive health. The fact is our body relies on an exquisitely balanced system of glands and hormones to deliver signals to tissues throughout our entire body that are critical for maintaining overall health and fighting illness. Brain function, thyroid, gut, immune system, and heart all critically require hormones to run smoothly. Our bodies are set up like a physiological internet system where hormones send email messages to cells telling them what to do to keep us functioning at optimal health. Imbalances and insufficiencies arise when our system freezes or wanes. EDCs hijack our system by turning on false hormone messages. We are chronically out of balance due to the exposure of EDCs and their negative effect on our messaging system. 

Issues associated with EDCs

Exposure at very sensitive stages of fetal development can result in profound changes in physiology and functions that may not manifest clinically until much later in life even after ceased exposure. Disruption in the womb can affect male and female hormonal development for the rest of their lives! Pollutants have even been found in umbilical cord blood samples, proving we know it begins in utero. Over the past 20-30 years there has been a disturbing increase in asthma, lower testosterone levels, increase in childhood obesity, development disorders, complications with conceiving, just to name a few that have been linked increased exposure to EDCs.

There are hundreds of harmful EDCs in the world. So many, in fact, that scientists have a difficulty isolating the effects of just one chemical over a person’s lifespan due to the vast volume of different chemicals we are subjected to. They are not safe at any level of exposure for any duration of time. The common offenders you’ve probably heard of are found in plastics but are also in pesticides, flame retardants, tap water/foods, heavy metals and the list goes on.

Bisphenol-A (BPA), is a xenoestrogen chemical used in the manufacture of plastics found in food and drink containers, plastic water bottles, baby bottles and a variety of household products. Exposure is primarily via dietary ingestion from the inner lining of cans and microwave containers during the heating of food materials. If you frequently indulge in reheated take-out in your to-go box, this applies to you!

Xenoestrogen, a foreign substance that mimics estrogen, amplifies a feminizing effect and down regulates the masculine androgenic effect. Phthalates, another chemical found in plastics and personal care products such as perfumes, nail polish, wood stains, actually block normal testosterone production. Regular exposure to anti-androgenic chemicals for males can cause testosterone levels to decline resulting in symptoms of low testosterone such as low energy, vitality and sex drive. In addition, chemical exposure in the womb can lead to infertility, immune diseases, penis size (yes, you read that right), penis abnormalities, hormonal cancers and depression. In females, can cause PCOS, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, hormonal cancers and even early menopause. Concerned yet?

Some EDCs have the ability to make our fat misbehave and contribute to the hormone insulin being less responsive to glucose, increasing our risk for becoming resistant and developing type-2 diabetes! Despite efforts through lifestyle changes, toxins are preventing those fat cells to budge making it that much more difficult to maintain a healthy weight and body composition. The importance of keeping excess body fat off to avoid chronic conditions is no secret.

How to avoid EDCs?

We are faced with the challenge of our modern-day environment that is a chemical soup. EDCs are gaining entry into our body and while it’s impossible to eliminate them all, the best course of action is to limit your exposure. Simple steps you can take right now:

  • Replace all plastics used for storing food and drinks with glass products (NEVER heat plastics in the microwave or put in the dishwasher – plastics release chemicals when heated)
  • Switch cookware to cast iron, stainless/carbon steel or glass and stay away from non-stick cookware (Non-stick coating is toxic)
  • Request electronic store receipts (receipts are coated with BPA)
  • Choose organic when possible and be aware of foods containing higher amounts of pesticides
  • Switch to non-toxic personal care and cosmetic items
  • Check your labels!! They are hiding in products you would never think of. Avoid anything with known harmful EDCs

EDCs are truly a silent killer in the world and limiting exposure is crucial for our future. Pete Myers, founder, CEO and chief scientist at Environmental Health Sciences names EDCs as a top threat to humanity next to global warming and nuclear war. Knowing that vulnerability starts in the womb and can pass on through generations makes it imperative that people are made aware and know how to limit subjection because no one wants a small penis.


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The Impact Nitric Oxide Has On Your Health with Dr. Nathan Bryan and Amy Stuttle

Loss of nitric oxide production is recognized as the earliest event in the onset and progression of most, if not all, chronic diseases. This includes the number 1 killer of men and women worldwide, cardiovascular disease. Victory Men’s Health CEO and host of “Women Want Strong Men Podcast”, Amy Stuttle, interviewed the nation’s leading expert, Dr. Nathan Bryan on the podcast to deep dive into all things nitric oxide. To listen to the full podcast click here.

Dr. Nathan Bryan is an inventor, biochemist, and professor, who made a name for himself as a pioneer in nitric oxide drug discovery. He is credited with significant discoveries in nitric oxide function, production, and metabolism, and has been published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dr. Bryan is a professor at Baylor College of Medicine in the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics and has authored and/or edited 6 books.  In his free time he is a real life “John Dutton” and runs his own cattle ranch in Texas.

What is Nitric Oxide?

Simply described, nitric oxide (NO) is a gas produced in the lining of the blood vessel. Bryan breaks it down further, “It acts like a hormone, hormones signal the body to do something. Nitric oxide signals the blood vessels to relax and dilate, so you can increase oxygen and nutrient delivery to down-stream blood vessels. It also influences the central nervous system in the brain as a neural transmitter which is how cells in the brain communicate.  It’s how our immune system kills off invading pathogens like viruses, fungal infections, bacteria.”

It has such a broad role in the body that a loss of nitric oxide is attributed to most if not all chronic diseases including Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and pulmonary disease. This molecule is so important that in 1998 three scientists won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. Bryan had the unique opportunity to work alongside one of those scientists, Louis Ignarro.  

How do you know if you are deficient? Nitric oxide is processed by the body in less than a second which makes detecting and diagnosing a deficiency challenging. Dr Bryan developed “at home” test strips to measure salivary nitrate. Testing strips can be bought here.

Common culprits of low nitric oxide include endothelial dysfunction, not eating enough green leafy vegetables, using fluoride toothpastes/mouthwashes, and proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s).  Let’s break those down further. 

Endothelial refers to a thin layer of cells that line the blood vessels. This under appreciated organ plays a crucial role in making nitric oxide and delivering oxygen and nutrients to individuals throughout the body. Dysfunction of the endothelium is directly involved in vascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, tumor growth, venous thrombosis, and viral infections (i.e.Covid). Dr. Bryan’s supplement NEO40 was granted FDA investigational new drug clearance as part of the coronavirus treatment program, and is currently in clinical trials examining the benefits of nitric oxide in African American patients battling COVID19 with comorbidities. 

Eat your Veggies! Vegetables rich in nitrates and nitrate can be converted into NO. Foods rich in NO include green leafy vegetables (kale, arugula, spinach), beets, radishes, and cabbage. Bryan notes that organic doesn’t always guarantee the vegetable is rich in nitrates and nutrients.  The key is to find fruits and veggies that have not been exposed to herbicides, pesticides, or GMO. Try your local farmers’ market for better sourced veggies that have been planted in rich soil.

Stop using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash.Over 200 million Americans potentially destroy bacterial NO production by using antiseptic mouthwash everyday Fluoride is the most common antiseptic recommended by dentists to prevent periodontitis and gingivitis. What they don’t tell you is that fluoride is a neurotoxin that wreaks havoc on the oral microbiome. Not only does it kill the bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria that all humans need for a healthy metabolism. Bryan notes that fluoride can impact and raise blood pressure. In research it has been shown that after only one week, blood pressure increased by more than 25mmHg.  Thankfully, within four days of stopping fluoride the oral microbiome reestablishes and blood pressure normalizes. Good fluoride free toothpastes are hard to find so Bryan recommends this Himalaya fluoride free toothpaste. Great news is Dr. Bryan is also in the process of making a nitric oxide toothpaste! 

Proton Pump Inhibitors, aka antacids, are among the most used medications in the U.S. These drugs completely inhibit nitric oxide production by eliminating acid in the stomach. No stomach acid equals no nitric oxide.

How to replete Nitric oxide?

Restoring NO production can lead to better vascular production and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nitric oxide supplements are easy to order online and over-the-counter, but NOT all are created equal. Dr Bryan has patented several nitric oxide supplements proven with hundreds of research studies to back the efficacy. Victory’s favorite daily lozenges can be found here.

Dr. Bryan closes out the podcast discussion recommending a must-read book called, “You can fix your brain.” The author, a friend of Bryans deep dives in to practical steps to improve cognitive functioning by evaluating what’s on your fork, the environment around us, and how we take care of our brain.

To find out more about all thing’s nitric oxide and our guest Dr. Nathan Bryan, you can follow him at. 




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